Traveling on Swedish trains might seem a bit expensive compared to other countries but the service is what you would expect from a first world country even if it has problems that you can read in the BAD SIDES section
Train map of Skåne (south of Sweden) and parts of Denmark since with the Öresund bridge trains go straight to Denmark
Stockholm metro is worlds longest art gallery at 110km long
"Snälltåget takes you from Malmö to Stockholm and back all year round.
During the winter, we take you from Malmö via Stockholm to Åre and Vemdalen and in the summer you can travel with us to Berlin.
Now you can also travel with us to Jämtland in the autumn!"
Quora is a site where people can ask and answer questions so if you want more information about what people think about the Swedish trains in general check HERE but lets take a look at some bad sides
During the winter, we take you from Malmö via Stockholm to Åre and Vemdalen and in the summer you can travel with us to Berlin.
Now you can also travel with us to Jämtland in the autumn!"
Quora is a site where people can ask and answer questions so if you want more information about what people think about the Swedish trains in general check HERE but lets take a look at some bad sides
1. Trains are not always on time because:
A) The number of trains have increased 40% in the last 20 years but the maintenance has not increased proportionally.
B) Sweden’s railway system has been dealing with maintenance issues for decades but due to economic reasons, parts of the equipment are bought from the cheapest sellers
2. If you forget to get a ticket before you go on the train you have to pay about 800:- (about $104)
3. Stockholm metro: "The cost of graffiti and other types of vandalism has been calculated at approximately SEK 100 million per year" SOURCE
1. Trains are not always on time because:
A) The number of trains have increased 40% in the last 20 years but the maintenance has not increased proportionally.
B) Sweden’s railway system has been dealing with maintenance issues for decades but due to economic reasons, parts of the equipment are bought from the cheapest sellers
2. If you forget to get a ticket before you go on the train you have to pay about 800:- (about $104)
3. Stockholm metro: "The cost of graffiti and other types of vandalism has been calculated at approximately SEK 100 million per year" SOURCE